What is The Red Balloon?

Welcome! I’m Debbie Ridpath Ohi, and The Red Balloon is a collection of my personal essays and art. For those familiar with my children’s book illustrations, be warned that the art I post in The Red Balloon will not necessarily always be bright and happy. I have multiple illustration styles, including darker and quirkier, and am excited about using this new venue to stretch my creative wings.

I will be adding more to this About page eventually, but I wanted to warn potential subscribers, especially those who are used to my kidlit-focused and happybright posts on social media.

Also be warned that my posts on The Red Balloon will sometimes be deeply personal. I plan to eventually add a paid tier, partly to restrict access to some of this content.

For those seeking practical info about writing and illustrating for young people, see my Inkygirl newsletter on Substack.

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Subscribe to The Red Balloon by Debbie Ridpath Ohi

Debbie Ridpath Ohi's personal essays and non-kidlit art.


Children's book author & illustrator. Illustrations appear in books by Judy Blume, Michael Ian Black, others. I WANT TO READ *ALL* THE BOOKS launches from Simon & Schuster BFYR, Sept.17, 2024. Has also worked with Random House, HarperCollins, others.